Mission Statement

The School's Core Values, Beliefs and Vision of the Graduate statement: 

EHS Mission Statement: 

Since 1821, the mission of English High School has been to challenge each student academically while fostering an enduring commitment to honor, achievement, and service to humanity. As the school community has evolved to meet the demands of the 21st century, we seek today to support our students’ social and emotional development and growth, challenge them to meet rigorous academic standards, and provide them with opportunities to explore career development opportunities that will lead them to a rich and fulfilling post secondary life in which they are engaged members of society and advocates for a more just world. 

EHS Core Values: 

  • Anti-Racism & Equity 
  • Hope 
  • Intellectual Curiosity 
  • Collaboration
  • Perseverance  

Our Beliefs about Learning: 

  • With the appropriate support and guidance, all students have the capacity to excel by meeting or exceeding grade level standards regardless of academic history, personal adversity, or other challenging circumstances. 
  • Students are best positioned to excel when they are afforded in depth learning experiences that are rigorous, relevant, engaging, and authentic.
  • Students are entitled to and can only maximize their potential when provided a safe, supportive, and affirming environment in which they are known and valued as individuals. 
  • In order to best prepare learners for college, career, and civic life, learning experiences should build the necessary social, civic, and academic skills to actively contribute to the community and the world.
  • Students’ learning environment should reflect and be culturally responsive to the diverse and global community in which citizens of the 21st century will reside.

EHS Vision of the Graduate 


Academic Capacities & Skills 

Social Emotional Capacities & Skills 

Civic and Community Capacities & Skills 

EHS Graduates 


  • Critical Thinkers - we question and challenge what we read, hear, and see
  • Communicators - we share our needs and ideas 
  • Adaptive leaders - we face challenges with creativity and resilience
  • Resilient - we sometimes stumble but then we rise stronger than before
  • Empathetic - we listen and seek to understand. 
  • Optimistic and Confident - we approach life and school with a sense of hope for the future and belief in our ability. 
  • Advocates - we know that others have fought for the rights and freedoms that we cherish, and we will do the same for others. 
  • Multi-cultural understanding - we believe that our diversity is our strength, and we seek to learn from and cherish our cultural diversity. 
  • Curious about the world - we explore and we question and we seek to understand. 

EHS Graduates have these skills: 

  • Analyze and interpret a wide variety of texts 
  • Evaluate and critique sources of information for reliability and bias
  • Solve problems using multiple interdisciplinary strategies and methods
  • Present ideas to various audiences through oral, written, quantitative, and artistic communication 
  • Identify healthy strategies for coping with challenges
  • Learn from challenges and see them as learning opportunities
  • Assist others in understanding and overcoming their own challenges
  • Apply learning to understand authentic, contemporary issues in society
  • Generate authentic questions and develop informed answers
  • Demonstrate equity as a value when interacting with others 
  • Collaborate effectively with others to achieve a common purpose